October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Awareness Month is designed to unify women and men all across the world who have been victims of domestic violence. It is important to recognize that domestic violence impacts millions of people, and it’s not only women who are victims; many men suffer domestic violence as well.

It is a problem across every status, culture, religion, and race. There are many different forms of domestic violence as well, which is why raising awareness is so critical. 

History Of Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence first started Domestic Violence Awareness Month in 1981. Back then, it was a Day Of Unity. However, it quickly evolved into a full week. Then, the first Domestic Violence Awareness Month took place in 1987.

 There have been some significant moments in society over the years with regard to domestic violence. In 1994, the Violence Against Women Act was passed. This was led by Senator Joe Biden, and it is considered a landmark in our fight against domestic violence. The legislation was put in place to ensure that victims received services and programs and that offenders were held accountable. There are great efforts all around the world in order to reduce domestic violence, but there is still a lot that needs to be done, which is why Domestic Violence Awareness Month is so important. 

How To Observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month

There are a number of different ways that you can observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month. One option is to spread awareness about domestic violence, including the impact it has on people and how to spot the signs. This is something that you can do from your computer. You can post messages on social media so that your friends, family, and followers learn about domestic violence. You may also decide to host an event.

Fundraising is another thing that you can do in order to observe Domestic Violence Awareness Month. From bake sales to fun runs, there are many different events that you can organize in order to raise awareness about domestic violence and raise funds for victims too. You don’t have to opt for a community event either. You may decide to simply have some friends and family around your home and host a wine tasting evening or a cook-off. You can then raise awareness about domestic violence and ask people to donate.

October 2, 2020 is World Smile Day

World Smile Day is the perfect day to make others smile while also ensuring you have a smile on your face as well. There are a lot of events that go on around the globe on World Smile Day, all of which have been designed to make people feel happier and to share great moments with others. We see associations, organizations, people, and schools get involved, with many different activities going on that can make a person smile. This includes sending lovely messages to people and giving food to those who need it. 

History of World Smile Day

It was a simple thing, a circle with a few dots and an upturned curve, but put together Harvey Ball created one of the most iconic symbols the world had ever seen, and it would quickly come to infect everything from graffiti to modern day emoji’s.

We are, of course, talking about the smiley face, arguably the first emoji to enter the world. Harvey would later express concern that the sheer commercialization of his little symbol would strip it of its original intent and meaning.

It was out of this concern that he created World Smile Day, a day devoted to the spreading of simple joy and love to everyone, regardless of race, gender, or geographic location.

How to celebrate World Smile Day

It all starts with keeping your eyes and heart open to the people around you, and recognizing when someone nearby could use a momentary lift to their day.

Everyone can make a difference on World Smile Day, just by being caring and compassionate and helping those around them have the best day they can have. Those who are truly ambitious can check out the World Smile Day website and look into becoming a World Smile Day ambassador.

World Smile Day Ambassador’s go the extra mile in setting up events at local businesses, schools, parks, even online to help spread the simple joy of a smile to the world.

The First Full Week of October is Customer Service Week 

Customer Service Week during the first full work week in October recognizes the first-line staff who keep customers informed, satisfied, and the company running.

When is the last time you met with someone from a business or company to discuss a question, an issue, or a problem? The chances are that the person you met with was a customer service representative. It is a week to remind front line employees that they are a vital part of the long-term success of the company.

Organizers say the goal of the week is to boost morale. Rewarding front line reps are essential. As such, raise company awareness of the importance of customer service, and to remind customers of the value placed on customer satisfaction is another goal.

How to Observe Customer Service Week  

Feed your customer service reps. Make them feel more valued and appreciated. Something as simple as a bagel, donut, breakfast sandwich, coffee, or juice can go a long way in boosting morale.
Thank the representatives you deal with this week. That includes the cashier, the operator, the receptionist, the delivery driver.
Spread the encouraging word on social media by using #CustomerServiceWeek or #CSWeek to get out the word.

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GEORGE MOORHEAD - Bentley Properties

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